
Prevent psychological harm & promote employee wellbeing

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FlourishDx is a leading workplace digital tool to address psychological risk and promote positive mental health.


Prevent psychological harm

is a risk management system that helps OHS & HR professionals identify psychosocial hazards in the workplace. It provides rich data to target workplace design interventions and provides assurance against ISO45003 and codes of practice.

Promote well-being

FlourishDx has a growing list of accessible features to support employee resilience and wellbeing. It is founded in positive psychology and provides managers with practical guidance on how to support wellbeing at work.

Why choose FlourishDx?

In an era of unparalleled stress, anxiety and confusion on a global scale, organisations are increasingly taking a leading role in proactively managing the psychological wellbeing of their employees.

The escalating cost of psychological injury and newly released legislation in this field, (ISO45003) has intensified the need to better manage workplace psychological risk.

FlourishDx is international best practice. It provides organisations with the assurance they need to accurately identify risk in the workplace and enable them to proactively take steps to combat it. It supports the promotion of positive mental health and provides managers and employees with the tools that they need to flourish.

How it works


  • Dual focus

    Equips organisations to prevent harm and promote wellbeing at work

  • International best practice

    Supports the adoption of and provides assurance against regulations and standards e.g. ISO45003 Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace and associated codes of practice

  • System integration

    Able to integrate into most OHS and HRMS systems

  • Customisable

    Flexibility to cater to bespoke organisational needs

  • Employee satisfaction

    Short participant completion time (risk assessment system)

  • Research based

    Grounded in positive psychology; Seligman’s PERMA model of wellbeing and the five pillars of good mental health

  • Growing list of features

    Ongoing system improvement e.g. a mental fitness ‘chat bot,’ video content, and the VIA survey to identify character strengths, high end training resources including leader discussion guides

  • Robust & reliable data

    Inform OHS strategy and employee interventions with robust data gathered via FlourishDX



What is ISO45003?

ISO 45003: Psychological health and safety at work is an internationally recognised standard that places responsibility on employers to manage both the physical and psychosocial health of their employees. 

A foundation elearning module from is available via FlourishDx for free here

What are psychosocial risks or hazards?

Psychosocial risks are any identifiable factors in the workplace that may cause an employee psychological or social harm. This may include poor work design, role overload or management practices.

How long does it take to complete the FlourishDx risk assessment survey and how often do employees need to complete it?

The risk assessment survey takes between 5-10 minutes and you can choose the frequency of follow up. This may vary depending upon your level of focus on a particular area or team.

Can I simply use engagement data instead of utilising FlourishDx?

As with any intervention, we encourage the use of all available organisational data. The benefit of using FlourishDx is that it provides organisations with a specific indication of the risk of psychosocial hazards for specific groups of employees. For each psychosocial factor, you will be able to understand the severity, frequency and duration of that risk. This enables work design efforts to be targeted.

Will I get FlourishDx cheaper if I contact them directly?

No. The wholesale prices advertised by FlourishDx are the same available to clients via Collective Strength. That is, customers will not have any additional fees charged for accessing FlourishDx via Collective Strength. Any consulting fee outside the standard terms and conditions would be agreed upon with clients and Collective Strength.  

Collective Strength and FlourishDx have a mutually respectful relationship and work together to ensure clients’ satisfaction.

Do I need to utilise Collective Strength’s consulting services if we access FlourishDx via them?

No. Collective Strength is an authorised distribution partner with FlourishDx and will support you with the implementation. There is no commitment to utilise any services beyond this.

What is the ROI associated with FlourishDx?

Work-related psychological injury costs Australian organisations approx. $6 billion per annum in lost productivity 2020. FlourishDx provides organisations with data to adopt a preventive and targeted approach to intervention and reduce this cost.



Per user, annual subscription

(1 - 200 employees)

Up to 1 hour of consulting time
(over Zoom)



Per user, annual subscription

(201 - 2000 employees)

Up to 3 hours of consulting time
(over Zoom)

Contact us


Organisation-wide, annual subscription

(2001+ employees)

6 -12 hours of consulting time
(over Zoom)

Want to find out more?